Monday, July 16, 2007

A Visitor Last Night

I had a visitor come see me last night. Came over uninvited but came in just the same. Promptly turned off all the lights then sat with me in the dark at the kitchen table. Sat with me until I started to cry. Waited with me until through a whisper I started to say, “Why Carol? Why did you leave me? I can’t do this. Don’t you see I’m messed up? I can’t do this alone.” Later followed me to the living room where I sat in the dark. Although I called a friend and talked, it knew the call would end and our visit would resume. When I went to sleep it stayed with me. I would wake on occasion and see it still there.

The Visitor’s name is Depression


Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly,
Well, leave it to you to get the stages out of order. Do you ever do anything by the book???? Yeah, the stages of grief are listed in a particular order but anyone who's anyone knows that grief isn't that neat and tidy. So, depression reared it's ugly head? It's ok. You can move through that too. Feel it and know that it won't be forever. I promise.
Love, Cambria

Anonymous said...

I am glad you are able to understand what you are going through and I think it will help you deal with it better. No one feels the pain of loss the same, and not everyone can understand what you're going through, but having friends to talk to and help you through this will make all the difference. I hope soon that the good memories can help push out the depression and anger over losing Carol. It has only been 4 months and I think you are doing pretty well with making your way through the grief "process". Do it however you need to.

Anonymous said...


You just be listening to your dear friend Cambria ... That girl has got it right: "It's okay ... Feel it and know that it won't be forever."

Hold on, Kelly. One step at a time; one day at a time; easy does it.

Love, Kim