Thursday, January 17, 2008


I apologize for my long absence. I have been on travel and working long hours. I have a break in schedule and thought I'd sit down and write a few words about how things are going.

How are things going? Well for the most part they are going good. I still have moments where I get caught up in thinking about Carol and how much I miss her. I can see how easy it could be for people to be trapped in grief for long periods of time. I try to take my mind off "that" part of thinking about Carol and think about something else. I feel guilty when I do though. I think it's better to live with a moment of guilt than long periods of grief and depression.

I have started to get into golf. I started playing with a friend at work and we both have become obsessed with it. I went out and got a whole Callaway setup. I got a push cart and bag. I got the new 2008 FT-i driver and X-20 Irons with graphite shafts. After all is said and done, I still suck at golf! LOL! But I really really like it. I just hope I get better at. I took a lesson and after I did I've been having a hard time relaxing with my swing.

My roommate will finish school and be moving out on the 15th. While I'm on travel I will arrange to have a pet sitter come by three times a week. I'll also ask friends if they wouldn't mind coming over a few times a week to hang out with the cats and watch TV or hang out on the computer. That doesn't sound like a burden does it? I hope not. I don't want to have to try and find a home for the cats.

I'll try and write more to keep everyone up on what's going on. So far so good.


Saturday, January 5, 2008

Level 58

Made it. Level 58 and into the Outlands!


A New Year

I start work in full gear Monday. I tired to go back on Wednesday but half the people were still on vacation. It was difficult to find something to do since I didn't have access to the computers yet. Luckily, I got into no further accidents on my way home.

How am I doing? That seems to be the big questions I get from family and friends. I think about it a lot. I finally played World of Warcraft for a significant amount of time yesterday. I made Level 57 Orc Warrior. I need one more level and I can go into the Outlands! I need to be able to increase my Engineering and Mining Skills. The trainers are located in the Outlands and I have to be a level 58 before I can go throught the portal. I know I know, I can get a mage to teleport me there but I want to go the old fashion way.

I have been dreaming a lot about Carol. Almost every night. My dreams are always the same. We are always either getting ready to go somewhere or are on vacation together. She is always helping me get things in order to travel.

When I think of Carol now it doesnt hurt like it has before. I'm not sure if that is a good thing or bad thing. I mean, don't get me wrong, I miss Carol and want to be with her and have my life back. But I am feeling stronger now and more comfortable being on my own. So far I've done a good job at taking care of the finances, house, car, and cats. I have money in the bank and pay my bills on time each month. I have a savings for emergency's. I think if Carol was here she would be very proud of me. Actually if she was here she would be very sad that I was taking care of everything. She was very sensitive about being needed. If was able to completely take care of myself, she would be very depressed about what she would be needed for. Not sure why I rambled on about that.

So welcome to 2008. For me, my new year will not start until March 16. So I'm still in my year. Is it wrong to anticipate getting past the one year mark?
