Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

Hello friends and family. I am doing much better this time of year than last. Things have become very clear to me now in ways that had been difficult to see before. Without the love, support and genuine friendship of the people around me, I'm not sure I could have made it through this year. I seem to have come through something and am on the other side now. When I look into the future I see hope not despair.

Until next year,


Sunday, December 21, 2008

again and

again and again and again

will i ever learn

Friday, December 19, 2008

Grief and the Holidays

I was following the blog of a woman who recently died. I go back occasionally to see how the husband is doing. I think of him often. I don't have children so I imagine it is different for him having children. I was reading comments left by others and some of them are asking for updates on how he and the family are doing and that they wish them a happy holiday. I wanted to leave a comment but was afraid I'd get told off. So I'd thought I'd use my own blog to share what I think.

I think it f'n sucks! There is nothing happy about the holidays just after the death of the woman you love. Your soul has this painful gaping whole in it and a wind -40 degrees is blowing through it leaving pin stabbing pains. Your chest is tight and you can't eat. Every where you look reminds you of what you don't have in your life anymore, joy. So if the holidays are not joyful or happy I give you permission to privately boycott them for this year. It's ok not to participate.

I have no experience on what to say when it comes to the children. I'll leave that to others who know what they are talking about. I'm sure there are ways to minimize the pain and still allow them to participate in the holiday if they feel they want to. Perhaps it could be just simply going to church on the 25th and celebrating the birth of a religious icon of your beliefs. It doesn't have to be about decorating or gifts or joy. Simply expressing gratitude to the spiritual person and the sacrifice that person gave for the purpose of that day.

So to you, brother, I say feel what you need to feel. Express what you need to express. endure what you need to endure. All I can do is give you a little hope that it is better for me this year than last and that it will be the same for you next year.


She likes me again...

Until Sunday when we have to do it agian...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Numb Viloent Acts still leave a Mark

Kitty came home on Saturday. Monday was my first day of giving her an IV treatment. As you can imagine it brought back memories of Carol. The IV line and stuff. The needle looks kind big and intimidating. On Saturday at the Vets the did the treatment and for the most part she just sat there and didn't fuss too much. For me though I was not so fortunate. Today was her third IV. It did not go well. She fought me very hard and bit me. I had to stick the needle in twice cause she fought so hard I had to hold her down and the it came out. Now she hides from me in fear. I can't even get her to come out for food. Some people said they would help but have never called to come over to help. I understand, this is my problem. The problem is I'm not even half way through the treatments. We still have a lot more violent acts to dance together with. I'm sure when I'm done she will hate me forever. nice...


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Kelly's Law

Great Achievements Require Great People,
Great People are not Required Great Achievements

-Kelly's Law

Monday, December 8, 2008


Kitty is at the hospital getting nuked for a tumor on her thyroid. Doesn't she look pissed? She'll ignore me for awhile when she gets home but will get over it when she starts to put weight on again.

Anyway, just want to post something. It's been awhile since I've shared and wanted to say I miss the people who come here to read but who I don't get to talk to.

Hope all is well with everyone,