Sunday, December 21, 2008

again and

again and again and again

will i ever learn

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Doing something unplesant and even painful to someone you love is never easy. You do it because you love them and want to take care of them. I can remember many times holding the girls down at the doctor's office while they drew blood, gave shots or whatever while my baby looked in my eyes and screamed for me to stop letting them hurt her. I had to do what was best for them. You do too. My girls don't remember those incidents, I won't ever forget them, but in the end everyone is ok and it was something that I had to do. You will do it too and she will forgive you, and she'll forget, even if you don't. Missed you on Christmas Eve, hope your holiday was good. My Mom, Jim and I took flowers to Carol. You probably saw them.
Take care and get ready for a good new year.