Sunday, March 30, 2008


"Post Traumatic Stress Disorder"

I've been debating if I should blog this or not. It sort of puts me out there with a self-disclosure of a health issue that might be used against me. I decided to do it because it is something that had become a serious problem in my life and my ability to successfully let go and move on. I hope that someone who reads this that has suffered as I have might see this as a road map of what lies ahead or a way of knowing they are not alone.

Before I begin I want to go on record as saying this, I love(d) Carol. I would give anything to have her here today in my life and sharing everything together. Period. She was my lover, my best friend, my soul-mate.

With that said, here we go...

In the beginning with Carol it was not that bad. She worked two jobs and took care of the house. I was unemployed and was doing my best to figure out what the hell to do with my life. She would cough at night but not that bad. November of 97 changed everything. She hit the wall and had to be admitted to the hospital. She was near death. For the next three years everything was still ok. Most of the stress came from Insurance and billing. She would go on IVs every so often.

Soon see began to become pan resistant. Meaning that her bugs in her lungs were mutating to the point that no antibiotic would help her. That was when she got listed for transplant the first time. As time went by the mutation changed and opened up more antibiotics and she decided to come of the list.

Then the day came when they delivered Oxygen. I remember that day. It was devastating for her. She cried all night. I cried all night. She was so god damn stubborned that she would resist it as long as possible.

At this point the stress was still only bad when she would get real sick and get admitted. Each time she would go in there was always this thought of was she going to come out. I think that's when it started to get real hard for me. Someone I started working for was not supportive of people with family problems and made things more difficult for me than it needed to be. I was demoted to a non critical position and stuck in the corner away from everyone I worked with.

Then the bleeding started. She would have it happened maybe once a year or so and never real bad. But then it started happening more frequently. In July of 96 she had a massive bleed. I wrote about it detail on her blog. If you want you can look for it in the month of July on her blog. After that the stress became very hard. I wasn't conscience of it. It was just something I dealt with the best way I could. But after that day I would worry every day if or when it would happen again. Most of all I worried it would happen while I was at work and no one would be there to help her and she would die. Every time I didn't get a call or an email at work I would worry that she had bled to death. Every time I would come home and hear and siren I would worry it was going to my house. Every time I would come home and turn the corner I would worry that fire trucks would be parked outside my home.

Then it happened. It happened just the way we both feared the most.

I have tried to date other women. I have found myself reacting to stress in a relationship or the beginning stages of a relations that is not right. It's difficult to explain. It's like if something comes up my reaction to it is not proportionate to what is going on. I am shocked that I find myself having physical reactions to stress. My heart rate will shoot up, my gut will go into a knot and I'll start to breath fast. It's like I'm starting to panic and I don't know why.

That's when it started to dawn on me that I might not have escaped the stress of living with Carol totally intact. The trauma of living with someone who can die any moment of any day, then dying the way I feared the most has left me in not good shape. Women I date quickly see this and bail out. This only adds to the stress that I can't have a normal healthy relationship. I keep repeating the cycle over and over again.

I want to heal. I want to move on. I have decided to seek professional help. I don't think it will happen over night. However, I am committed to learning how to live with and responded to stress in a healthy manner.

Wish me luck and say a prayer for me?

Kel (AKA #1fan of Cutecarols)


Anonymous said...

Dear God,
Please keep watch over my friend, Kelly, as he enters into yet another phase of the grieving process. As you know, he has done EVERYTHING humanly possible to walk through this tragic ordeal the past year. I really appreciate that he was allowed 10 years of an amazingly beautiful relationship with someone who adored him to no end (don't ask me why), but don't give up on him now. He really needs your help. You and I both know the only way out of what's left of this process is your Grace. Wave your magic Grace wand and sprinkle some of that good stuff on my pal. Please. Meanwhile, you know he'll keep plugging along at work, home, gym, fellowship... because he's just that guy.

Thank you in advance for your help with Kelly.
Love, Cambria

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly,

I think seeing a therapist will definitely help. Maybe should have done it even sooner. It was invaluable to me.

You know, all love stories have this same ending as yours did. They don't end with, "And they lived happily ever after." That's the way they begin, but they all end this same way. It's the management of one's life afterward that causes the confusion and pain, because it's something you've never experienced or prepared for, and for most people, certainly not at this young age.

Although, you're pretty much over the primal, raw grief stage, you're still in that two-year active grief period most people go through, so the fact that you can't seem to form a relationship with another woman doesn't surprise me. These women feel your grief for Carol and realize you have no real committment to them. Women are intuitive. Give it more time. Although you're feeling great loneliness, it's not for a new relationship, it's for Carol, and they realize that. Take time to make some friendships instead. All the rest will come with time.

Cousin Merle

Anonymous said...

With wishes and prayers each and every day for you ... And with gratefulness that you have chosen to seek help from beyond the loving care of your comfort zone. Sometimes, it does take a really knowledgeable and objective "other" (beyond friends and loved ones) to help us find the answers -- and even more importantly, to help us identify the questions (which can be so frightening to ask). Having experienced what you have in this life, there are a few layers to sift and sort and examine and ponder. Have courage, and go deep (with a wise counselor to see you through); moving towards what is timeless and true and sustaining; all the while, discovering your part in the immense wholeness. We're all in this together ...

Cousin Kim

Julie said...

I lost my husband to CF three years ago, he was 39 years old. I can definately relate to all that you have posted here. All that I can say is hang in there. It doesn't get better, but you will find some meaning in life again. I pray that you find it soon.

Anonymous said...

If anything you should know is that everyone of your family is right there to stand beside you, love you. That is what family does Kelly.
Ahhh they say you do not marry the family, well in this case you actually did. For Better or Worse you are stuck with us. LOL
I know that may be hard to understand at this time, but you will.

Special Love
Aunt Jeri