Thursday, June 19, 2008

Leaving Europe

I'm on the EuroStar on my way back to London for my last two days. I don't know how fast I'm going but I know I'm haling ass. So fast that you really can't see anything because it goes by so fast. I kinda like that. I'm really ready to leave Europe. I've learned that when you ask someone here in Paris if they speak English they will say no or "a little". What I've learned what "a little" means is this: Yes, I am very fluent in English. I will listen to you until I am board with you are pissed with you. Then I will pretend I don't understand you and walk away.

Having had my last bash at the French let me say a few more things about my observations.

The French are a very proud people. Their attitude of independence and confidence is very powerful. They have a very rich and ancient history that is reflected in thier art and architecture. They are a beautiful people. More than anything I love the sound of thier language. Of all the languages I've encountered here, French is the most wonderful to listen to. As much as I have complained about my frustration at not understanding it I am equally envious that I don't speak it. I have tired to say a few things and when I hear my own voice say the words it grimace at the sound of it. The French language most be spoken with the appreciation it deserves.

I think I would like to return to France some day. I might pass on Paris and spend some time in the South.

Before I left people had made comments about how this trip will change my life. Now that I'm coming to the end of it I'm trying to see how or if I've changed. I am different as I have blogged before but I'm not sure if that change would have occurred on it's own or was it as a result of being here? I didn't have a "Razor Edge" type of experience. Someone asked before I left if I was coming back. They were joking but I think maybe they also was serious. Did anything happen here that makes me want to stay? No. I have met some great people. People I want to see again. But my home is in California. My friends are in California. My family is in California.

It is time for me to come home to the people I love and the people who love me.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

California is still here. It's hotter than "H" "E" "Double Hockeysticks," but we speak English, oh so well.

Come on, Kel.
:) Cambria