Friday, December 7, 2007

An End and a Beginning

Today ends my time at the location I have worked at for one year. For those who have been keeping up, the sign today says 266 days since Carol died. I am glad no one has been hurt but I am also grateful I will not have to see that sign anymore. It is strange, I have worked here twice as long as a widower as I did married. It doesn’t seem like that but it is. I will be very sad to leave the people I have become very good friends with. I enjoyed working with everyone here.

Monday begins my time at the new location of work. I am looking forward to working with everyone I used to work with before. They are all good friends and great engineers.

That’s all for now.


Anonymous said...

You're moving through it all... just moving through. In spite of the lack of progress your good old brain tells you that you haven't made, those of us keeping up with you see the motion. You're really stepping up to "the rest of your life" that seemed so impossible to have not too long ago. I'm proud of you for staying as long as you did... and excited for you to begin again at the new/old place. There's people who love you there waiting for you!
Your pal always,

Sally said...

Hi Kelly,
My name is Sally. I also have CF. I stumbled upon Carol's blog by accident. I wanted to express my sorrow for all your losses, especially that of your wife.
I also go to USC, though I don't know but about 5 other CFer's.
I have another blog at if you ever care to go there:
I just wanted you to know that someone else's thoughts and prayers are with you as you continue to move forward in this journey.