Friday, May 16, 2008

Europe T-8 Days

Eight Days before I’m off to Europe. Yep, I’m off to Europe for a month. It sounded like a good idea on Tuesday. I got in impulsive thought, followed up with a request at work, got approved to take the time off, followed that up with a non-refundable two way ticket to London. The hangover is starting to kick in as I look for places to aahhhh…. sleep? OMG! I’m so screwed! I’m going tomorrow to get a back pack and sleeping bag. If I have to, I can find a camp-ground or two. I can’t believe how weak the dollar had become. I feel like a citizen of a third world country trying to go away for awhile. I look at hotels in some of the places I want to go and think, “I’m so screwed…” I’m looking at Amsterdam and I can’t find anything for under $100 a night.

So, any help from friends or fans I will take into consideration. I’d like to avoid places that have a high degree of getting robbed. But who knows, that might be a part of the adventure right?



Anonymous said...

I hear the youth hostel is the way to go, meet interesting people, you might have help with a chore or two, but the price is right!
have fun,

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly,

When I first read your blog I was bawling like a baby. I'm 37 years old with CF and I know someday my husband may go through what you are going through. I wish I could give you some comforting words to make it all better but I know it doesn't work that way. Please just know that you are in my prayers.

Anyway, the main reason for this comment is that I wanted to tell you about this website my step-daughter told me about. It is It's a network of people all around that world that open their homes for travelers. Sometimes they can offer a bedroom sometimes they can only offer a couch. Eight days isn't much time to research this but it would definitely save some cash. Plus you would have a local person telling you about local attractions that a tour book couldn't all while meeting a lot of people. I hope you have an awesome trip.
