Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Dreams Part 3

I have been thinking a lot lately about dreams. Not the kind that have me wearing women’s underwear riding backwards on a donkey with clown makeup on smoking a cigarette then wake up and worry that means I might start smoking again. No, I’m talking about dreams of what I want to do in life.

What do I want to do in life? My dream before was to enjoy each and every day with Carol. That dream has ended and it’s time to move on.

I have something that I have been thinking about. I have always had this dream and kept it very private. I have only shared it with a few people, Carol being one of them. It would mean a radical change in life and life style. It is very scary and full of uncertainty. But if I get a chance, it would be something that would present each and every day with wonderment and joy. The risks are very high and the chance of failure almost certain. But the rewards are more about self fulfillment than money.

So Navykel Blog Fans, What do you have to say about this? Be conservative and take the easy way out in life, or take the leap with eyes wide open?



Anonymous said...

Bruddha.....you keepsa eyes open and jump.....FOr the Horde!...Go for it


Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly,

What I think is this: While you're young and HEALTHY is the time to work at a good job (which you certainly have) to lay away the nest egg for your future dreams.

You're a smart guy, and I don't think your going to do anything foolish, even if you would really like to. You have to remember that you're still in your unstable two-year period, too. I think you'll be surprised at how differently you'll look back at these two years at the end of it.

But, hey, that's just me talking. And I'm very happy about your other news today. Yay!

Cousin Merle

Anonymous said...

Merle, I have to disagree with you on this one.

Jeri was healthy in her 30's and got sick in her 40's and now at the 49 3/4 mark, I say Kelly go for it. We think that security is the most important thing, well I can tell you its not, because your health and ability to do anything you want can be taken away in a moment, that is what happened to me. I was well happy though I had plenty of time, and "Wham" "BooM" it was gone.

Ricks Uncle said it right, we should have all the money we need at the beginning of life and be able to work at the end of life, its all backwards.

I say its time for Kelly to do something he want to do, start making new memories.

Aunt Jeri
Kansas City

Anonymous said...

You know what you want to do already, you don't need anyone's validation to make it happen. It's your life, live it!