Thursday, September 27, 2007

Here it comes again

Depression. Here it comes again. I haven’t been exercising regularly like I have in the past. I’ve been having a hard time getting up on time even though I go to bed early. I haven’t been eating healthy. I don’t expect any sympathy from anyone. I’m not doing the things I need to do to take care of myself so I have no one to blame for this but myself. If I don’t diligently take care of myself during this period of time, then I can’t be surprised when this happens. When I have moments of time where I start to feel normal it’s easy to take a break from the things that are doing good for me. I always think that I’ll work out tomorrow or I’ll make dinner tomorrow or I’ll get up on time tomorrow. Today I’m just going to relax and take it easy. Except, there have been a lot of today’s in a row.

I guess its back to basics again. Take a look at what I’m doing in my life and make some changes, renew my commitments to doing the things I need to do and hope for the best.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly,

We were at the Out Back last night and ran into Carol's friend (whose name I don't know) that she invited to the Christmas Eve party at Lynn & Denny's last year. She said she thinks of Carol so often and even recently dreamed of her and the dream had ME in it, so she was kind of startled to see me so soon after the dream!

Please keep holding together as best you can. It will get better a step at a time, as you know.

Cousin Merle

Anonymous said...


It sounds like you are going through the ups and downs of learning how to live and have close relationships again. Everything has changed in your life and its okay to make mistakes as you transition. Remember, you are not alone and you do have friends who will always be there to tell everything to. And then there will be those who you can't. Stay in touch and be kind to yourself.

Love, Wendy