Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Hope Part 2

Could it be true? Could it really happen? Or will I be crushed again with false hope?

Collection Consultants of California has come back into my life with the continued pursuit of putting a gun to my head and demanding money. Then yesterday I get another collection notice for another amount of money. Fed up, I called CHOC. I talked with someone and gave all the details about how the CCC has the worst rating from the BBB. He put me on hold and finally came back. He told me that they are going to notify CCC and cancel all accounts currently active. They (CHOC) had made several mistakes on how they bill the insurance, drug study, and the government. They will resolve the insurance and drug study bills and turn the government ones over to another company that does not contact the patient or turn them into collections. After I hung up the phone I started to cry.

Could it be true? Could it really happen? Or will I be crushed again with false hope?


Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly,
It's definitely time. If so, I'll keep my fingers crossed and breathe a huge sigh of relief while thanking God for the Grace. If not, I'll continue to talk you out of the ideas your head comes up with on how to resolve this problem yourself! :) As always, I'll be here.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly,

We've had a run in or two with insurance companies ourselves. Our best advice (from an attorney, too) is to just keep fighting them and filing appeals. They expect you to give in and pay. We finally won after two years or more by doing this! It's stressful, though.

Cousin Merle