Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Dinner for One

The young lady must be no older than 25, dark long hair. She is wearing a white collared shirt with black slacks. On her shirt is a bright gold name tag with “Shelley” etched across it. With a big bright smile that I’m sure she had to practice over and over she says, “Dinner for One?”

That’s the way it is now. Life for One. Now don’t get me wrong here, this is not a pity-pot post. I’m just expressing the reality of what I see and feel now that it’s 81 days later. I know it’s 81 days because we have a sign here at work. “Number of days since last accident” Seems that the day Carol died someone got hurt here at work. So every day I see the counter, “Number of days since Carol died”.

Sorry about that, back to dinner. Carol and I used to eat out a lot. Towards the end she was always tired and not feeling well. So we would go out. Now that I’m alone, I go out. Not a lot but at lest once or twice a week. It’s an odd feeling sitting alone and eating dinner. Not in a morbid way but in a very slight sad way. I need to eat and the food is ok to good. I look around and watch the other people sitting together and talking. I think about the times Carol and I would sit and talk.

I have started to dream about Carol again. Almost every night now. She is always sick and weak in my dreams. They seem to always center on me taking care of her. It doesn’t bother me anymore. Someone said that maybe soon I’ll have a dream about her being healthy. I’d like that.

I did ok at work last week and again this week so far. Seems I’m smart again. The people here at work have been wonderful and patient. I have been able to slip right back into my function and work as if I had never been gone. The stuff in my head opens up and I can figure things out again. I like that.


Anonymous said...

I was just thinking, "How brave you were for knowing your limitations at work and taking the time to care for yourself." You've always had more substance to you than you believed. It seems that being humbled by these experiences is showing you parts of you that some of us have always seen. Keep trusting yourself. You haven't let yourself down yet.
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

I'd say that Cambria has it right--Writing of your recent experiences as "one" illuminates a great deal of depth and insight; not to mention courage.

Keep on keepin' on, Kelly! The inner strength that you are exercising in so many ways - which includes voicing your observations and vulnerabilites so articulately - is indicative of a bright and beautifully expanding life-force. You are a marvel~


Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly,

I see you're starting to fill in your "dash" again with some everyday life and job chores. Good deal. We both know Carol used her dash to the fullest that she could, and she would be happy that you are starting to fill in your dash little by little, too. I think she would say to just keep your head down and lead with your right! I think that's all you can do right now. You can think of something better later on when you don't hurt so much and need so much protection.

Cousin Merle