Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Favor for My Five

I have a favor to ask all five of you who read my blog. Some of you might remember Carol was active in CFRI and other activities for Cystic Fibrosis. Someone has asked that I put up a request for friends of Carols to help them out. The primary purpose of my blog is to help me heal from the tragic death and loss of my wife, lover and best friend. I don't want to confuse people with trying to inject other content. Is this a personal story blog or a support for CF?

I will make an exception here. All that is being requested of me is to ask all Five of you to take some time and read a few stories and vote. No requests for money or volunteer time except the time you donate to read the stories.

Please follow this link if you wish to help out.



Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly,

It was good to see you Saturday night. Sorry I wasn't able to visit with you more; I wanted to, but you were gone by the time I got over there. Glad to see you visiting with family.

I'll be glad to support the CF endeavor. I'm going to go back and read it later this evening when I have more time.

Sorry to hear about your new relationship ending. Glad you both will remain friends.

Cousin Merle

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly,

Sure no problem.
And no I don't think you are selfish or cruel.

Colleen 44 w/cf