Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Sorry about that.

We came back from Vegas on Monday then I left for Huntsville, AL on Tue. I'm still out here. I really really like the work. I'm getting to do some things I've always wanted to do. It is kinda simple and repetitious but I still like it. We have ran into an issue here and there so I'm still here.

How was the weekend? Well, I played craps twice and won about $300. That is very good as I played for about 6 hours each time and would start with $300. That means I walked away each time with about $150. I like that. Not real big time money but money just the same right?

I really enjoyed my time with my new "friend". I would love to talk about everything, what I think how I feel problems challenges etc etc. But I think it best not to out of respect for her and her privacy. We know some of the same people and at lest 2 out of the five people who read this would know who I'm talking about.

I've had dreams of Carol again. I've been real sad when I think about her and how much I miss her. I'm doing my best to heal and move on. Giving time time. It is almost 18months. Imagine that, a year and a half. Is it bad to be selfish and think of myself during the last 18months and look back at where I've come? What about all the other people who was an active member in Carol's life? How are they doing? What about her sister? I emailed her once and she sent a very short reply back and I've never heard from her again. How is she doing? Carol was the last member of her immediate family. What about Carols friends? So many would call and talk to her about the problems they were having. Who do they call now? Do they sit at night and think about how much they miss her?



Anonymous said...

I still think about her all the time. I'm sure that I'm only one of many. She was a good friend to me and I miss her. Another case where I'm sure I'm only one of many.

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a nice time with your friend. I wish words could heal your broken heart. I don't think anyone would consider you selfish. You are just trying to get through this the best way you know how. You are obviously a very caring person and the people who know you and Carol already know that.

Anonymous said...

I put on a heart necklace just this morning because it reminded me of her - she used to collect hearts and I collected unicorns when we were little...

I miss her, but can never imagine how deep you miss her.

Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly,

Thinking about Carol is a thing I do at different times: driving through the intersection of Campus and 14th, going to "our" movie theater and seeing chick flicks, cousins' luncheons, she was my midnight email partner, Christmas Eve party, each new event I know she would have attended had she been here, etc., etc. We in her family still miss her a lot.

We'll see you in a couple of weeks at the big party. Prepare to have a fun time.

Cousin Merle

Anonymous said...

"A single person is missing for you, and the whole world is empty."~Phillipe Aries

"What has broken has passed away, what remains sparkles with the irridesence of love defined, courage lived and peace cherished."~Ned Lemon